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Counselor's Corner

A message from the School Counselor:

Hello Parents and Students!

My name is Ami Patterson and I am the school counselor at Chandler Elementary School.  I'm looking forward to a great year with you and I absolutely love being part of the CES family!!

I will be visiting classrooms throughout the school year providing the "Seven Habits of Happy Kids" leadership lessons.  We will learn how to apply these habits to our lives and become great leaders!  

While providing the habit lessons in the classrooms, I will also focus on four character traits to instill in our CES students.  These four traits include responsibility, trustworthiness, caring, and citizenship.  It's never too early to possess good character.

I am available for individual and small group counseling services. I can also help you with questions you might have about Section 504 and Gifted/Talented services. Please call, email, or come by my office any time!